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  • Kaire, José (2024). "Can't Coalesce, Can't Constrain: Redefining Elite Influence in Non-Democracies". Political Science Research and Methods. 12(3):540-556[Ungated paper] [Replication Materials]

  • Hoffman, Aaron and Kaire, José (2020) "Comfortably Numb: Effects of Prolonged Media Coverage". Journal of Conflict Resolution. 64 (9): 1666-1692 [Paper] [Ungated] [Replication Materials]

  • Kaire, José (2019) "Compensating elites: How international demands for economic liberalization can lead to more repressive autocracies" International Studies Quarterly.  63(2):394–405[Paper] [Ungated] [Replicaiton materials]

  • Kaire, José (2019) "The Normative and Material Foundations of Judicial Confidence in Bolivia”. Latin American Politics and Society.  [Paper] [Ungated]

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